Showing 487-489 of 2227 Results
3 Helpful Resources for Teaching English Learners
News, Policy and Practice, Student-Centered Learning
November 30th, 2016
Did you know that more than 11,000 English learner students attend Delaware schools, representing more than 100 different languages? Last week I had the pleasure of meeting Jennifer Bishop, an English as a Second Language teacher in the Brandywine School District who also serves as treasurer and membership chair of Delaware English Language...VIEW ARTICLE
Are Delaware Teacher Prep Programs Top Tier?
November 30th, 2016
In November, the Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) released new and improved Teacher Preparation Program Reports. These reports are a part of the effort to improve the quality and transparency of teacher preparation programs in Delaware. This year, four out of 30 Delaware programs* received the highest possible rating—Tier...VIEW ARTICLE
November 30, 2016
November 30th, 2016
Delaware News Delaware State News Capital district mulls grade-level realignment There are several gears involved, churning all at the same time, in helping the Capital School District update its strategic plan for the future. One of those many different areas, potential grade-level reconfiguration among all of the schools in the district, was...VIEW ARTICLE