
Showing 568-570 of 2227 Results


August 17, 2016


August 17th, 2016

Delaware News Middletown Transcript 'Words on Wheels' bookmobile to visit Middletown, Townsend Aug. 17 This is the last week for the Appoquinimink School District’s summer bookmobile program, "Words on Wheels." Each child visiting the bookmobile will receive a two free books, an ice pop and other giveaways. This is also the last time to enter...


August 16, 2016


August 16th, 2016

Delaware News Delaware Business Times K-12 enrollments slow, but charters are booming Overall Delaware K-12 school enrollment is rising very slowly, yet substantial changes are happening. Over the past ten years (2003-2013, the latest data available from the U.S. Department of Education), K-12 enrollments in Delaware have risen just 3 percent...


Guest Blog: Delaware Pathways steering students in the right direction

News, Postsecondary Success

August 15th, 2016

By Dr. Amy Loyd, senior director of the Pathways to Prosperity Network at Jobs for the Future     “How did you find your first job? Did your education support your transition to the world of work?” For many of us (including myself), the answer to the first question is through our social capital networks: our family and family...