Showing 721-723 of 2227 Results
Big Money and Summer Experiences: March 2016 Teacher Newsletter
News, Policy and Practice, Student-Centered Learning
March 2nd, 2016
Grants and Summer Experiences to Support Teacher and Student Learning Engage in a Summer Fellowship Delaware Teachers Institute Fellowship (Due Mar. 3) Each year, the Delaware Teacher Institute (DTI) offers a limited number of fellowships for teachers to participate in content area seminars, and to learn the...VIEW ARTICLE
March 2, 2016
March 2nd, 2016
Delaware Cape Gazette Special education law office opens in Georgetown McAndrews Law Offices, the nation's largest special education legal practice, has opened a new office in Georgetown. The firm provides free legal counsel for students who say they have not received a fair and appropriate public education. Attorneys at the practice recently...VIEW ARTICLE
March 1, 2016
March 1st, 2016
Delaware Cape Gazette District presents referendum plan at Rehoboth Elementary Wearing a Rehoboth High School letterman jacket that still fits him perfectly, Chuck Mowll took a walk down memory lane as he listened to Cape Henlopen School District's plan for his former high school. “You hate to lose memories, but I like the idea of preserving...VIEW ARTICLE