Showing 757-759 of 2227 Results
January 19, 2016
January 19th, 2016
Delaware Cape Gazette Cape region students win fire prevention awards The Delaware Volunteer Firefighter’s Association held its Annual Poster and Essay Fire Prevention Awards Ceremony Jan. 10 at the Cheswold Fire Company in Cheswold. Four students from the Cape area were presented awards for the State of Delaware contest. The winners were...VIEW ARTICLE
January 15, 2016
January 15th, 2016
Delaware Delaware State News Attempt to override testing opt-out bill fails A veto override attempt by a group of lawmakers failed Thursday, the first veto override try since 1977. Legislators, led by Rep. John Kowalko, D-Newark, sought to pass a testing opt-out bill over Gov. Jack Markell’s July veto but were unsuccessful after a motion failed...VIEW ARTICLE
January 14, 2016
January 14th, 2016
Delaware Delaware 105.9 U.S. Acting Education Secretary John King Announced “Opportunity across America Tour” As part of his first month in office, Acting U.S. Secretary of Education John King is launching an "Opportunity Across America" tour to meet with students, teachers, principals, parents and community leaders in four states and...VIEW ARTICLE