Showing 961-963 of 2227 Results
May 26, 2015
May 26th, 2015
Delaware News The News Journal Lawmakers fighting Markell on education After years of pushing education reforms in Delaware, Gov. Jack Markell is facing a revolt in the General Assembly. Christina schools deserve a ‘yes’ vote May 27 Opinion by John M. Young, member of the Christina School District Board of Education The bottom line is this:...VIEW ARTICLE
May 22, 2015
May 22nd, 2015
Delaware News The News Journal Delaware lawmakers cut Gov. Markell's education plans Budget lawmakers on Thursday cut by half a $7.5 million proposal by Gov. Jack Markell to fund positions in the Delaware Department of Education and programs previously funded by the federal Race to the Top Program. How can every child have the opportunity to...VIEW ARTICLE
May 21, 2015
May 21st, 2015
Delaware News Newsworks New bill proposes tough criteria for Delaware Secretary of Education Commentary by John Watson In spite of what Sen. Townsend says the new requirements should be, Murphy seems to me to be well qualified for his position. It's reported by the News Journal that he spent three years teaching physical education, third grade and...VIEW ARTICLE