Showing 1264-1266 of 2227 Results
June 2, 2014
June 2nd, 2014
Local News The News Journal $3.8 billion state budget still unsettled Lawmakers who completed work on a $3.8 billion state budget last week left a couple big holes. They also appropriated $4 million less for education programs than Markell envisioned in January, and cut administration proposals to enhance drug treatment, provide leadership tools...VIEW ARTICLE
Thanks to Our Teachers
June 2nd, 2014
Turning the calendar to June signals that another school year is nearing an end. Having family members in the profession (including my wife), I’ve seen the pride and excitement that arrives this time of year as teachers reflect on the year that has passed and how their students have grown. We know that great teachers and leaders are a key...VIEW ARTICLE
May 30, 2014
May 30th, 2014
Local News Dover Post Gov. Markell, Spanish Ambassador renew language immersion agreement Gov. Jack Markell and Spanish Ambassador Ramón Gil-Casares signed a tribute at McIlvaine Early Childhood Center on Tuesday that reaffirms an educational partnership between Spain and Delaware. Xavier Gisbert, Spain’s Counselor of Education for the United...VIEW ARTICLE