
Showing 1483-1485 of 2227 Results


Opportunity for Communities to Improve Kindergarten Readiness

Early Childhood Education, News

August 21st, 2013

The Delaware Office of Early Learning (OEL), in cooperation with its managing partner, the Delaware Early Childhood Center (DECC), is seeking applications for participation in its new place-based strategy, Delaware Readiness Teams (DEL Teams). DEL Teams is a state-wide initiative that offers a unique opportunity for communities to build strong and...


August 20, 2013

Early Childhood Education, News, Policy and Practice

August 20th, 2013

Local News The Middletown Transcript  Appo. hires new special ed. coordinator for elementary schools The Appoquinimink School District chose one of its own to fill an elementary school special education district coordinator position that’s been vacant since the spring. Tamara Grimes-Stewart, a 7-year employee with the district, was tapped Aug...


August 19, 2013

News, Postsecondary Success

August 19th, 2013

Local News The News Journal Celebrating innovation in Delaware schools The Rodel Foundation of Delaware announced 15 teachers, principals and other community leaders as finalists for this year’s iEducate Delaware initiative. The public is invited to vote for the person they think has made the biggest difference at The site...