
Showing 1564-1566 of 2227 Results


DOE Jumpstarting Teacher Training

Policy and Practice, Postsecondary Success

May 29th, 2013

The Delaware Department of Education recently published a Request for Proposal (RFP) to catalyze educator training program improvements within Delaware institutes of higher education. The RFP, which was released in early April and due at the end of May, is open to all educator training programs and builds off of Senate Bill 51, which recently...


May 28, 2013

News, Policy and Practice

May 28th, 2013

Local News WDDE Governor’s council offers update on STEM progress in Delaware schools Governor Jack Markell’s STEM Council releases its second annual report on efforts to get more students to pursue careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math Tuesday. STEM Council co-chair Teri Quinn Gray, a chemist for DuPont, says one...


May 24, 2013


May 24th, 2013

Local News The News Journal Higher bar set for education in Delaware Bill Budinger knows what it takes to compete internationally. The company he and members of his family founded, Rodel Inc., once found itself pitted against international electronics giants for control in the semiconductor industry. “We knew that we had to go from being the...