
Showing 1654-1656 of 2227 Results


February 27, 2013

Early Childhood Education, News, Policy and Practice

February 27th, 2013

Local News WDDE Additional time helps improve Delaware teacher survey response An extra nine days got the state Department of Education much closer to its goal of 80 percent participation in a recent teacher survey about their workplace.  The window for responding to the TELL Delaware survey closed at midnight Monday. The final tally of responses...


Moving Forward on Teacher Preparation

Policy and Practice

February 26th, 2013

Every year, the National Center for Teacher Quality (NCTQ) publishes a report card on the fifty states’ public school teacher policies.  This year’s report focused on teacher preparation.  And this year, Delaware scored a D-. Although NCTQ gave the entire country a D+, we as a state have room to make improvements.  At the same time...


February 26, 2013

News, Policy and Practice

February 26th, 2013

Local News DE Department of Education 5 school districts, 9 charters join Delaware Talent Cooperative The Delaware Department of Education announced today that five school districts and nine charter schools have confirmed their participation in the Delaware Talent Cooperative. In addition to Capital School District and Laurel School District, two...