
Showing 1678-2227 of 2227 Results


A Teacher’s Take on Technology in the Classroom


January 29th, 2013

This guest blog post was written by Ashley Sorenson, a teacher at Howard High School of Technology in Wilmington, Delaware. As part of our blog series on education technology for Digital Learning Day, this piece speaks to the role of technology to support personalized learning. To learn more about Howard's iPad initiative and watch a video of...


January 29, 2013

News, Policy and Practice

January 29th, 2013

Local News WDEL 4 NCCo schools get literacy grants The Delaware Community Foundation has given out nearly $240,000 in literacy grants to New Castle County Schools.   The money must go towards early childhood literacy programs with special emphasis on programs for disadvantaged students. The News Journal Milford to close middle school The...


Governor Markell Continues Fulfilling “Blueprint” for Education

Policy and Practice

January 28th, 2013

As the legislature moves forward to review Governor Markell’s proposed budget, it was inspiring to see that the Governor’s State of the State reflected his vision for education in Delaware well before he was elected Governor. In his "Blueprint for a Better Delaware", then Treasurer Jack Markell outlined his policy goals to make Delaware’s...