Showing 1816-2222 of 2222 Results
Delaware Scores Double Digit Gains and a Bronze Medal
July 20th, 2012
A few weeks ago I commented to some folks that things were looking up in Delaware’s public schools, and that the “flywheel” appeared to be turning. Yesterday’s news from the Delaware Department of Education did not disappoint. Compared to one year ago, more than 10,000 additional children are proficient in reading, and more than 9,000 are...VIEW ARTICLE
July 20, 2012
Early Childhood Education, News
July 20th, 2012
Local News The News Journal Reading the school test scores About 10,000 more Delaware students achieved proficiency in reading in this year compared with last year (an increase of 12% proficient), while about 9,000 more students scored proficient in math (an increase of 10% proficient), according to statewide assessment results made public...VIEW ARTICLE
Lessons from Building and Sustaining a Coalition for Education Improvement
Early Childhood Education, News
July 20th, 2012
Recently I had the opportunity to speak with a group of elected officials from across the country who are interested in what it takes to build and sustain coalitions for education improvement. The lessons I shared are those that we, in Delaware, have worked our way through since the launch of the Vision 2015 plan in 2006. Developed by a broad...VIEW ARTICLE