
Showing 1828-2227 of 2227 Results


Anticipating Growth in Delaware Assessment Data

News, Policy and Practice

July 16th, 2012

The Delaware Department of Education is expected to release the full results of 2011-12 Delaware Comprehensive Assessment System (DCAS) later this week.  The release follows last month’s announcement of preliminary data showing that 68% of Delaware students were proficient in reading and 69% in math – a seven percentage-point gain over last...


July 16, 2012

Early Childhood Education, News

July 16th, 2012

Local News Delaware State News Five downstate elementaries named Focus schools Schools across Delaware will receive extra support and/ or funding as part of the state’s new school classification system. Dr. Michael Thomas, Superintendent of Capital School District which has two Focus schools, says “We look forward to the opportunity to have...


July 12, 2012


July 12th, 2012

Local News WDEL Red Clay School District tax rate down, services intact Needs-based funding contributed to a decrease of the district’s tax rate. Also, Leah Davis was elected unanimously (and ran unopposed) for the position as school board president. Martin Wilson Sr. was elected to serve as vice-president. National News The Economist Charting a...