
Showing 1861-2227 of 2227 Results


Repost: “Only a Sith Deals in Absolutes”


April 20th, 2012

My friend, Robin Lake, at the Center on Reinventing Public Education in Seattle wrote a thoughtful post on the dynamics of education reform in the US right now for Rick Hess' Straight Up blog.  It resonated with me and hope it provokes some reflection about how each of us positions our work on behalf of kids. "Only a Sith Deals in...


Moving Past the Bubble Sheet


April 19th, 2012

As educators, we've all been there - anxious to go home after a long days work only to look over at the students' recently submitted essays ready to be looked over with our critical eye. Suddenly, you find yourself scrambling to calculate how many minutes it will take you to go through each essay - only to realize that you'll have to TiVo your...


Lessons From Abroad: Connecting international best practices to Delaware

Policy and Practice

April 17th, 2012

I just got back from a trip to Europe last week, my first time overseas. And while I won’t bore you with the details (except one below), reading this article published by The Atlantic highlights something that hit home for me during my trip. In our current education reform debate, we shouldn’t hesitate to look locally and globally to find...