
Showing 1888-2227 of 2227 Results


Two Delaware Charter Schools Renewed…with Conditions


February 17th, 2012

On Thursday, the State Board of Education approved charter school renewals for the Academy of Dover and Prestige Academy with potentially strict, but, as yet, undefined conditions related to student performance and financial management. These conditions will be promulgated over the next month in new regulations that would supplement or replace an...


The R-E-S-P-E-C-T Project

News, Policy and Practice

February 16th, 2012

Tucked away in President Obama’s $3.8 trillion federal budget was a $5 billion competitive grant program aimed at elevating the teaching profession to its rightful status - which could have significant and long-lasting effects on teacher quality throughout the United States. The fund, called the RESPECT Project (Recognizing Educational Success...


Delaware RTTT Early Learning Challenge Out of the Starting Gates

Early Childhood Education, News

February 13th, 2012

The hard work has begun; after a short celebration for Delaware’s nearly $50M award for the Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge, the Governor’s Office and Departments of Education, Health and Social Services, and Services for Children, Youth, and their Families are beginning to build capacity to implement all our commitments. Two...