Showing 1900-2227 of 2227 Results
Waiver Presents Opportunity to Reorient State’s Turnaround Strategy
January 26th, 2012
After seeking input from various stakeholders throughout the state, the Department of Education will submit their final ESEA waiver application to the feds on February 6th, outlining our state’s vision for education reform in the coming years – with a particular focus on revamping our accountability system for school recognition and...VIEW ARTICLE
Partnership Zone Plans : More of the Same
January 25th, 2012
The Delaware Department of Education approved plans at five of six second round Partnership Zone schools (Laurel Middle’s plan is due in February), which will wrap up the state’s Race to the Top commitment to turnaround ten persistently low-performing schools. Although the plans represent significant effort on the part of all stakeholders to...VIEW ARTICLE
State of the State: Governor Markell Remains Dedicated to Education
Early Childhood Education, News
January 24th, 2012
On January 19th, Governor Markell gave his annual State of the State address to the General Assembly. This speech provides an opportunity to gauge the priorities of the executive branch, and this year Governor Markell did not disappoint. He noted a continued commitment to supporting business and bringing jobs to Delaware, attracting and...VIEW ARTICLE