Showing 1957-2227 of 2227 Results
A New Way of Teaching and Learning in Delaware?
August 16th, 2011
Districts will work with non- and for-profit partner organizations—up to 22 in each district—as part of their Race to the Top plans to use federal funds to improve education. These partners will work with districts to implement various portions of their plan, from curriculum alignment to community engagement efforts. A significant...VIEW ARTICLE
Our Schools: Balancing Urgency with the Long View
August 15th, 2011
This blog post was originally published on "Town Square Delaware" as part of its August education series. My career in public education began in the classroom, teaching special needs students and working with a lot of students who didn’t see much of a future for themselves. I think of those years often and about the impact I had, hoping that...VIEW ARTICLE
Teacher Preparation Expanding, Policies Improving
August 11th, 2011
Nearly one-third of new teacher hires throughout America (compared to 15% in Delaware) are trained by alternative certification programs, according to a recently released report by the National Center for Alternative Certification. These programs, which bypass traditional higher education preparation routes, recruit and select talented...VIEW ARTICLE