Showing 1981-2227 of 2227 Results
My Teach For America Experience in Delaware
July 11th, 2011
Guest blog by Megan Dempsey, Teach For America corps member. This is the third in a three-part series related to Teach for America Delaware. This series was prompted by the recent establishment of TFA Delaware, a hub for corps members that is distinctly focused on The First State. Part one discussed the path to the establishment of the office...VIEW ARTICLE
Delaware’s Waiver Request on Educator Evaluation: We Must Fulfill our Commitments
July 8th, 2011
In its winning Race to the Top application, Delaware promised to implement the state regulations it passed in 2009 changing the state’s teacher, administrator, and specialist evaluation system, known as DPAS II. The planned change would finally link the evaluation of our teachers, leaders, and paraprofessionals to student growth. All of...VIEW ARTICLE
Delaware Raises the Bar for Instructional Leadership
July 7th, 2011
When we look back forty years from now, the Delaware Leadership Project will be one of the key programs that helped move Delaware forward,” according to Governor Markell, who met with the seven aspiring principals last week as part of the program’s guest visitation day. At the event, visitors were able to see the program’s innovative...VIEW ARTICLE