Showing 2023-2227 of 2227 Results
The Voters Have Spoken
May 11th, 2011
Thousands of Delawareans went to the polls yesterday to elect candidates running for school boards throughout the state – with many incumbents defeated and a few races decided by only a few votes (one by only two!). After an initial scan of the results (below), it appears that voters recognize that the status quo is untenable and want change...VIEW ARTICLE
When 20% equals 100%
May 11th, 2011
No, that's not curious math. Rather it's how Delaware Representative Teresa Schooley underscores her commitment to today's youth. While children comprise 20% of the state's population, they are 100% of our state's future. Rep. Schooley delivered her remarks Monday evening at the 2011 Scholars Dinner sponsored by Education Secretary Lillian...VIEW ARTICLE
One Step Closer to a “Baby Race to the Top”
May 10th, 2011
The United States Department of Education was appropriated $700 million as part of last month’s budget deal to design a competitive grant program focused, in part, on improving early-childhood education for low-income and disadvantaged youth. Recent speculation points to lawmakers moving forward with a “Baby Race to the Top” program, in...VIEW ARTICLE