Showing 2044-2227 of 2227 Results
Khan Academy: A New Tool in Teachers’ Toolkits?
April 5th, 2011
At the Khan Academy you can learn just about anything, from the anatomy of a neuron to the French Revolution to the details of Henry Paulson’s 2008 bailout plan—all without leaving the house. Founder Sal Khan describes his non-profit, online instructional website as a stand-alone virtual school that anyone can learn anything from, for free...VIEW ARTICLE
One Year In, Where Do We Stand?
April 1st, 2011
So, one year in, where is Delaware on Race to the Top (RTTT)? A new report from Vision 2015 measures Delaware’s progress—both what’s been done and what lies ahead. The impetus for the report came from Delaware Education Secretary Lillian Lowery one year ago, when she asked the Vision 2015 coalition (of which I am a member) to “help keep...VIEW ARTICLE
What Could You Do With an Extra 300 Hours of Instruction?
March 31st, 2011
That was a question posed by the National Center on Time and Learning to Delaware educators last week at the “Increased Learning Time Leadership & Design Workshops” as part of the Department’s LEA Support Program. The workshops brought educators together from around the state to learn best practices around time management – both...VIEW ARTICLE