Showing 2077-2227 of 2227 Results
Delaware Receives a C+
January 26th, 2011
Delaware received a C+ and ranks 22nd among states according to Education Week’s recently released Quality Counts report, which measures six categories (chance for success, K-12 achievement, transitions and alignment, school finance analysis, the teaching profession, and standards, assessments, and accountability) Key findings...VIEW ARTICLE
Governor’s State of the State: On target, but we still need a funding fix
January 25th, 2011
I recently shared my hope for what Governor Markell would say in his State of the State address on January 20. The Governor’s significant commitment to public education continues to encourage me. In his address, he was clear about the urgent need to improve our schools and how education is everything in today’s globally...VIEW ARTICLE
Some Updates From This Month’s State Board Meeting
January 25th, 2011
At last Thursday’s State Board of Education meeting, DOE gave updates on Race to the Top implementation along with the renewal of several charter schools. Kathy Cox, Chief Executive Officer for the U.S. Education Delivery Institute, explained that their initial analysis of district needs after Delaware was awarded Race to the Top showed a...VIEW ARTICLE