Showing 2083-2222 of 2222 Results
Partnership Zone: Not Just the Same Old School Improvement
January 5th, 2011
Despite the challenges that Partnership Zone schools and their communities have faced over the last three months, their initial plans demonstrate the will to do something different. Whether they will be different enough is the question. Feedback on plans submitted by Glasgow and Howard High, Stubbs Elementary, and Positive Outcomes Charter Schools...VIEW ARTICLE
Changing the Language of Instruction at Central Middle School
January 4th, 2011
Central Middle School is changing. At least that’s how Principal Dr. Darren Guido sees it. Just a few years ago, data and instruction were far less prevalent in conversations among teachers, and Dr. Guido himself spent less time on instruction. The students acted differently, as well. “Our students had issues...VIEW ARTICLE
In Case You Stayed Home Due to the Weather…
December 21st, 2010
At last Thursday’s State Board of Education meeting, DOE presented updates on Race to the Top Implementation, including planning, assessment and data. Implementation planning is underway at both the state and district levels. Delaware DOE’s partnership with the Education Delivery Institute is yielding “Delivery Plans” that...VIEW ARTICLE