Showing 2092-2222 of 2222 Results
Delaware Cited for School Improvement Leadership
December 13th, 2010
Delaware’s School Improvement Grant (SIG) policies have been cited as best practices from which other states can learn by Mass Insight’s School Turnaround Group in a report released last week: School Improvement Grants: Take Two. In the report, Mass Insight offers lessons learned for states as they make grants to...VIEW ARTICLE
McKinsey and Arne Show Optimism about Delaware
December 9th, 2010
After disappointing news on the US performance on PISA, we have some good news—Mckinsey & Company recently released a report “How the world’s most improved school systems keep getting better” on how 20 school systems—of diverse performance, geography, culture, governance, and resource-base— have...VIEW ARTICLE
Other States’ Charter Environments Passing Delaware By
December 8th, 2010
Delaware’s charter school environment –ranked 13th with a B average last year - received a C and saw its ranking slip to 14th in The Center for Education Reform’s recently released report: Charter School Laws Across the States. Delaware’s decreased score and ranking shouldn’t surprise anyone since current...VIEW ARTICLE