Showing 2092-2227 of 2227 Results
Common core, common assessments…common curriculum?
December 20th, 2010
The Common Core has demonstrated the power of what a voluntary, state-driven initiative can accomplish: more efficient use of resources, cross-state comparisons, and students who can compete worldwide. The new frontier is student assessment, led by state-based assessment consortia (SBAC and PARCC) to develop systems and item banks that can...VIEW ARTICLE
Can we be the next Kalamazoo?
December 20th, 2010
Kalamazoo, Michigan is not a place you hear of often. Yet back in 2005, something happened that changed everything for the unassuming town of 80,000: “The Kalamazoo Promise,” an anonymously established and endowed offering to public school graduates of tuition at any Michigan public university or college. Five years later, what...VIEW ARTICLE
Fraction Infraction
December 16th, 2010
My 4th grade son is learning fractions in his math class. Last night, he asked my husband for some help with his homework. I was surprised to hear my husband say that he never really learned fractions and, to this day, really struggles with the concept. Instead of working with the raw fractions he has to first convert the...VIEW ARTICLE