Showing 2182-2227 of 2227 Results
Meet Brett Turner
July 7th, 2010
Hello! First, I want to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Brett Turner. I recently graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Master in Public Affairs and joined the Rodel Foundation team as a Program Officer. I am extremely excited about the opportunity to move to Delaware and take part in the tremendous education reform...VIEW ARTICLE
Redesign the Ship
July 1st, 2010
Today, I would like to express strong opposition to Congressman David Obey’s amendment to pit education jobs against the needed reforms that are being catalyzed through Race to the Top (RTTT), the Teacher Incentive Fund, and innovation and improvement funds that support high-performing charter schools. This amendment to the War Supplemental...VIEW ARTICLE
RTTT Assessment Applications are In
June 29th, 2010
Although this “race” started with many more entrants and diverging approaches, it’s down to two that have a lot in common, including participating states. Both applicants for the RTTT assessment program -- The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and Partners for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers...VIEW ARTICLE