Early Childhood Education


Delaware Submits Ambitious Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Application

October 31st, 2011

Author: Madeleine Bayard

On October 19, 2011 Delaware submitted an ambitious application for a roughly $50 million share of the $500 million federal Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge (RTT-ELC) competitive grant.  According to the U.S. Department of Education, Delaware was one of 35 states, D.C. and Puerto Rico to submit an application. Delaware’s plan...

An Anniversary, a Conference, and a Lot of Work Ahead

October 28th, 2011


This is a guest blog post by Marvin N. “Skip” Schoenhals, chairman of Vision 2015 and WSFS Bank in Wilmington, DE, for which he served as president and CEO from 1990 to 2007. He is a member of the Delaware Business Leaders Hall of Fame. Five years ago, Vision 2015 set out to transform the education that we were offering to our public school...

Partnership Zone Update

October 7th, 2011

Author: Brian Yin

The Partnership Zone timeline is a tight one (the first submission deadline is Nov. 17), so by necessity a lot must happen each week. Here are the latest updates as of Oct. 7 (for previous updates and analysis/information on the PZ, click here). Capital’s school board has decided upon a “transformation” model for Dover HS and currently has...

P-20 Charts Path Forward; Signs onto RTTT-ELC

October 7th, 2011

Author: Madeleine Bayard

Yesterday, the Delaware P-20 Council met for the first time since the membership was expanded and authority was clarified by legislation, focusing on the need to enact cross-agency data sharing regulations that meet our Race to the Top promises. With support from USED’s longitudinal data experts, they now will be drafting regulations for data...