

September 23, 2016

September 23rd, 2016


Delaware News Coastal Point Audit nearly complete as IRSD plans Nov. 22 referendum The Indian River School District’s budget is not keeping up with their students’ needs, so the local Board of Education has decided to host a current-expense referendum on Tuesday, Nov. 22. How much will they request? The board hasn’t decided. Delmarva...

September 22, 2016

September 22nd, 2016


Delaware News Newsworks Coons introduces legislation to increase low-income enrollment and graduation rates U.S. Sen. Chris Coons, D-Delaware, said legislation introduced today will create more opportunities for higher education students. The Access Success and Persistence In Reshaping Education Act, or ASPIRE Act, which Coons is sponsoring with...

September 21, 2016

September 21st, 2016


Delaware News Delaware 105.9 Georgetown community conversation tonight focuses on education ESSA, the Every Student Succeeds Act, replaces the federal No Child Left Behind Act. Now, Delaware wants to know how you feel about what the state should be doing as the implementation of the new program will start during the 2017-18 school year. Delaware...

September 20, 2016

September 20th, 2016


Delaware News Delaware 105.9 Markell touts jobs, education on statewide tour Gov. Jack Markell is focusing on jobs and career readiness as he travels up and down the state. Markell is scheduled to join Indian River School District officials in Sussex County today (Tuesday) to urge high school seniors to continue their education and training after...