

Inspiring a Generation of Little Colonials: Q&A with Dusty Blakey

March 2nd, 2018

Author: Matt Amis

Dusty Blakey, Ed.D. was named the superintendent of the Colonial School District in June of 2014. Since then—and throughout his 13-year tenure with the district—Blakey has made early childhood education a major priority.   We talked to Blakey, who also serves on the Delaware Early Childhood Council, about the importance of early...

New English Course Could Alleviate Remediation

February 20th, 2018


In 2017, Delaware’s Department of Education revealed that more than 40 percent of high schoolers weren’t graduating with the skills needed to do college-level coursework—including 24 percent who weren’t ready for college-level English.  The fallout? Thousands of students who wind up in remedial courses, which cost money and don't...

10 Education Stories to Watch in 2018

January 25th, 2018


Every new year brings with it a sense of transition and opportunity—a chance for a fresh start or reinvention. Between midterm elections, nail-biting budget negotiations, and big issues unfolding in Wilmington and beyond—2018 could shake up the world of public education. The team at Rodel has examined the tea leaves and compiled its 10...

10 Things We Heard from Gov. Carney’s State of the State Address

January 22nd, 2018

Author: Matt Amis

  As Gov. John C. Carney delivered his (technically first-ever) State of the State address last week, the Rodel team listened intently for any mentions of public education.   Here’s what we heard:   Not surprisingly, Gov. Carney led off with the economy. He mentioned some positive steps in tackling the state’s...