

COVID-19 Throws Curveballs at Legislative Session, but Education Budget Remains Largely Unscathed

July 7th, 2020

Author: Neil Kirschling

In a historic legislative session—punctuated by the COVID-19 outbreak that suspended the legislature for most of session starting in March—no new bills related to public education were passed. While the pandemic triggered statewide budget cuts and little in the way of new investments, the Fiscal Year 2021 Delaware budget maintains its...

Teachers Weigh in on Reopening Schools

July 6th, 2020


The Rodel Teacher Network represents a wide variety of educator roles and grade levels from across the state. As educators, we are encouraged by all the hard work of our peers and leaders over the past few months. We are optimistic we can build upon all that we have learned through these months of remote learning to do even better for our...

English Learner Needs: COVID-19

June 23rd, 2020

Author: Laurie Jacobs

What Have We Heard? In April 2020, Rodel issued a survey asking respondents to prioritize the immediate, short-term needs related to COVID-19 and the longer-term needs for when students and teachers return to school. As our previous blog summarized, the 859 respondents, most of whom were parents and educators, cited a range of education needs...

What Delaware is Doing to Connect Kids

June 12th, 2020

Author: Paul Herdman

As any parent who’s helped a kid navigate through the bendy digital world of Schoology, DreamBox, or Khan Academy can tell you, digital learning in 2020 is serious business. Thanks to COVID-19, most Delaware public schools shifted to exclusively remote, online learning for students this spring. And while stakeholders are currently working...