September 12, 2016
Delaware News
Cape Gazette
Legislation allows medical marijuana on school grounds
Rylie Maedler was at a loss of words during a Sept. 7 bill signing making it easier for her to receive medical marijuana oils during the school year. A heart-felt, “Thank you,” and a big grin was all Maedler could muster. It was all anyone needed. Rylie uses...
What’s the Relationship Between School Quality and GDP?
Over the summer, education research wonks Eric A. Hanushek, Jens Ruhose, and Ludger Woessman published findings on the long-term economic impact of school improvement. This study draws a direct connection between school quality and economic growth, adding to a body of evidence demonstrating the benefits of education for individuals and...
September 9, 2016
Delaware News
Coastal Point
District teachers get training in preventing sexual abuse
Patricia Dailey-Lewis, who heads the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children, recalls the moment the foundation was born. It was in Lewes, she said, as she and Biden walked through the seaside town in the midst of the case against one of the most...
September 8, 2016
Delaware News
Delaware Public Media
Christina School Dist. frustrated with Dept. of Ed.'s proposed budgetary changes
Christina School District officials feel they’ve been left out in the cold by the Dept. of Education regarding its potential changes to district funding allocations - changes Christina says could cost it $3 million.