July 26, 2016
Delaware News
Cape Gazette
State school test scores trending upward
Overall test results for the second year of Smarter Balanced show slight improvement in test scores, although only about half of Delaware students are proficient in English and fewer in math. Department of Education officials released state test results July 21, celebrating 3...
6 Big Takeaways from Smarter Balanced Scores
by Liz Hoyt and Shyanne Miller
Last week, Delaware officially released preliminary statewide results for public school students on the Smarter Assessment and the SAT. We took a look at the data, and pulled out six big takeaways from this year’s results.
Delaware students made incremental gains in year two of the Smarter...
July 25, 2016
Delaware News
The Dover Post
Smarter Balanced scores show small gains
The second year of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Test shows small gains compared to last year’s scores. Delaware educators say there’s much work to be done. State Chief Academic Officer Michael Watson, presenting the results this year, was enthusiastic.
The Newark...
July 22, 2016
Delaware News
Department of Education
2016 state test results show progress across the board in English language arts, mathematics
Delaware students across the board are performing better in mathematics and English language arts, according to preliminary 2016 state test results for grades 3 to 8 released today. The gains are in almost every grade...