November 5, 2015
Delaware News
The News Journal
Report: UD can do more to enroll low-income students
The University of Delaware is one of 10 American public universities that could be doing more to enroll students from low-income families, a recently released report suggests. "A lot of Delawareans are proud of the university for its accomplishments," said Mamie...
November 4, 2015
The News Journal
Delaware could swap Smarter Balanced with SAT for juniors
Some Delawareans are calling for the state to stop giving high school juniors the controversial Smarter Balanced Assessment and instead rely on the SAT college entrance exam. "The SAT is a proven, reliable test," said Terri Hodges, president of the state Parent...
Delaware’s 2015 NAEP Results: 5 Data Takeaways
Last week, the country received some not-so-great news as state scores on the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) went down or remained flat. Similarly, Delaware scores and proficiency slipped. We took a slightly deeper look at the data, and rostered our 5 Data Takeaway’s from Delaware 2015 NAEP results.
1. Delaware scores and...
November 3, 2015
Delaware News
The News Journal
School redistricting effort facing growing criticism
Opposition to the push to redistrict Wilmington schools is growing, even as important deadlines draw near. The Wilmington Education Improvement Commission has been tasked with creating a plan that would remove the Christina and Colonial school districts from the...