

October 20, 2015

October 20th, 2015


Delaware News The News Journal Business leaders act as principals for a day Since 1993, the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce's education arm, the Partnership Inc., has used Principal for a Day to give business and government leaders an inside look at what goes on in the state's schools. The program has more than 100 participants this year...

October 19, 2015

October 19th, 2015


Delaware News Delaware Public Media Dropout bill to return to General Assembly in January Delaware lawmakers are reviving efforts to keep kids from dropping out of school before they’re adults. Right now, state code allows students over 16-years-old to withdraw from the classroom if they choose to without repercussions. Rep. Debra Heffernan’s...

College Application Month kicks off today

October 19th, 2015

Author: Neil Kirschling

Today marks the start of Delaware College Application Month! From now through November 20, 2015, all district and charter high schools will host their own College Application Week, during which schools will set aside time during the day for students to fill out and submit college applications, along with the help of local volunteers. The ultimate...

October 16, 2015

October 16th, 2015


Delaware News The News Journal Troubled charter school placed on formal review The Delaware MET, a new charter school in Wilmington that is struggling with school safety, discipline and finances, was placed on formal review by state officials Thursday. That means the Department of Education will put the school under a microscope, and it means...