January 9, 2015
Delaware News
Cape Gazette
ACLU: Charters are resegregating Delaware schools
Charter school admission policies have resulted in the resegregation of public schools, erasing decades of progress diversifying schools in Delaware, says the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation.
Delaware Department of Education
2015-16 state scholarship...
January 7, 2014
Delaware News
The News Journal
The strange and difficult moves of Delaware politics
An editorial
The Democratic leadership in the state House just imposed a little discipline on two representatives, John Kowalko and Helene Keeley. Mr. Kowalko was bumped from the House education committee, Ms. Keeley from the capital budget committee. The Kowalko...
January 6, 2014
Delaware News
The News Journal
Reach charter school sues state again to stay open
Reach Academy for Girls is once again suing the Department of Education to avoid closure, making it the second Wilmington charter school fighting a legal battle with the state to stay open.
Kowalko bounced from House education committee
Democratic leaders have sent...
January 5, 2015
Delaware News
The News Journal
Attorneys go head-to-head over Moyer’s future
An attorney for the Maurice J. Moyer Academic Institute argued before a judge Friday that the school’s charter should not be revoked just because of the “sins of old Moyer.” The attorney, James Taylor, said the state Department of Education is wrong to close the...