June 18, 2014
Local News
First State gets mixed grades in teacher training report
The National Council on Teacher Quality’s (NCTQ) 2014 Teacher Prep Review evaluated six of the state’s elementary and secondary teacher-training programs. Four made the national rankings, with the University of Delaware’s undergrad elementary program rated 11th best in...
June 17, 2014
Local News
Delaware Department of Education
Delaware College Scholars Program launches to help rising high school juniors prepare for, succeed in college
A press release
Rising juniors from public high schools across Delaware are spending part of their summer gaining skills that will help them in college thanks to a free residential program that...
June 16, 2014
Local News
Governor Markell targets access to college in weekly message
Gov. Jack Markell’s (D-Delaware) weekly message focused on easing the pathway to college for First State students. He noted that 60 percent of jobs in today’s economy require additional education beyond high school. Markell says hundreds of students in Delaware...
Introducing Neil Kirschling
Hello, blogosphere (I’ve always wanted to use that word). My name is Neil Kirschling, and I am this summer’s Policy Fellow at the Rodel Foundation.
Hailing from a large family of New Jersey public school teachers and administrators, I was cognizant at an early age, from both a teacher and my own student perspective, of the challenges and the...