

May 20, 2014

May 20th, 2014


Local News School Administrator The Common Core C’s of change An opinion by Susan Bunting, superintendent of the Indian River School District To counter effectively the campaign waged by Common Core skeptics, the Indian River School District charted a course of action with tactics that previously had proven successful in taking on challenges in...

May 19, 2014

May 19th, 2014


Local News The News Journal Brown v. Board, 60 years later: Are we better off? The goal of the ruling 60 years ago was to provide equal educational opportunities to all students. In Delaware, that meant forced busing, which after a lengthy fight through much of the 1970s, began in the fall of 1978. Thirty-six years later, schools have slowly slid...

Public Input on Public Schools

May 19th, 2014

Author: Liz Hoyt

About a week ago, a report released by Project 5000 Opinions (P5KO), shed some light on what Delawareans thinks about Delaware schools. The report summarized the opinions of over 5,000 Delawareans who were surveyed last summer about public schools in the state. According to the surveys, many parents feel positively about Delaware public schools...

May 16, 2014

May 16th, 2014


Local News The News Journal More Delaware children living in poverty Released this week, the Kids Count study shows 20.6 percent of Delaware children live in poverty. Although slightly better than the national rate of 21.9 percent, it's much worse than the under 12 percent rate of 2007 and continues to climb. The report points out that low-income...