

June 7, 2013

June 7th, 2013


Local News Education Commission of the States Delaware Receives 2013 ECS Frank Newman Award for State Innovation The Education Commission of the States (ECS) will honor the state of Delaware with the prestigious Frank Newman Award for State Innovation at the 2013 National Forum on Education Policy in St. Louis, Missouri, on June 26. The award...

June 6, 2013

June 6th, 2013


Local News The News Journal Charter school reform bill advances in state House A bill aimed at reforming the state’s charter school system is headed to full House, despite objections that the measure needs public input and will hurt traditional schools. The House Education Committee narrowly approved HB 165, 7-6, after a motion to table the bill...

June 5, 2013

June 5th, 2013


Local News The News Journal Colonial sighs as school tax hike approved by a slim vote Colonial School District voters narrowly approved a second, smaller property tax referendum Tuesday, staving off large-scale layoffs and other cuts. The tax passed 3,005-2,938, a margin of 67 votes, according to unofficial results from the New Castle County...

Long Awaited Charter School Bill Introduced in the House

June 4th, 2013

Author: Melissa Hopkins

In the fall of last year, Governor Jack Markell and former Representative Terry Schooley created a Charter Work Group to review the current charter school law and recommend changes. Members included charter schools, the business community, DSEA, PTA, school districts and boards, legislators, Delaware Department of Education, and the State Board...