

October 24, 2012

October 24th, 2012


Local News The News Journal State honors its top teacher Known for his innovative approach to connecting with parents and students, Sussex Technical School District English teacher John Sell was named the 2013 state teacher of the year. He said collaborative meeting time with his fellow teachers lets him borrow great ideas of other educators. Sell...

Delaware: Positioned to Lead in Early Learning

October 23rd, 2012

Author: Madeleine Bayard

The title of the annual Vision 2015 conference, "Education in The First State: Positioned to Lead," aptly describes Delaware’s station nationally in the area of early learning. As we come together annually to reflect on the state’s progress, we should all have a sense of optimism. When the Vision 2015 plan was first released, state...

October 23, 2012

October 23rd, 2012


Local News Town Square Delaware iEducate Delaware: Margaret O’Dwyer Profile on iEducate Delaware honoree National News Education Week Coalition advances definition of career readiness   In the hope of guiding education policy, more than two dozen business and education groups have come together as the Career Readiness Partner Council to try to...

October 22, 2012

October 22nd, 2012


Local News DFM News Race to the Top funded early childhood education reform coming into focus Education reform fueled by Race to the Top funding is well underway in Delaware K-12 classrooms, but now early childhood learning is also getting a fresh look, taking a “whole child” approach. Delaware has been in the front of the line in every phase...