

June 5, 2017

June 5th, 2017


Delaware News The News Journal Survey: Little guidance on social-emotional learning in Delaware A majority of teachers in Delaware agree they should be teaching students more than reading and writing, but say programs meant to improve students' social and emotional growth aren't always as effective as they're touted to be, a new survey by...

June 2, 2017

June 2nd, 2017


Delaware News The News Journal School referendums are vital Opinion by Arlene Lord, Newark As the federal government is moving to diminish the amount of money given to our public schools and centering on charter and schools for profit, the legislators and public should fight for more funding from Washington. Coastal Point State likes...

June 1, 2017

June 1st, 2017


Delaware News Delmarva Now Education a focus of budget talks at Carney town hall in Sussex Concerned about Delaware's $400 million budget shortfall, Sussex County residents listened to a presentation by Gov. John Carney on Wednesday. Those in attendance expressed their concerns about the budget and what Gov. Carney called a "shared sacrifice"...

May 31, 2017

May 31st, 2017


Delaware News The News Journal Another $30 million axed from state budget: education, public health hit The Joint Finance Committee cut another roughly $30 million from Delaware state government's budget on Tuesday, with lawmakers fretting over cuts to everything from health services to educational programs to foster care assistance. The cuts...