March 17, 2017
Delaware News
The News Journal
Sussex Academy student among best Hispanic and Latino PSAT takers
Sussex Academy junior Hector Herrara recently scored in the top 2.5 percent on the PSAT/NMSQT among all of the Hispanic and Latino test-takers in the region. As a result, he has been invited to participate in the National Hispanic Recognition Program...
March 15, 2017
Delaware News
Town Square Delaware
Mentoring program boosts kids’ career options
With half of skilled trade workers in Delaware expected to retire in the next five years, a mentoring program is looking to help talented high school students fill a growing demand for skilled laborers in the design and construction industry. The ACE Mentor Program...
March 14, 2017
Delaware News
The News Journal
Working together to help students in need
Opinion by John Carney, 74th governor of Delaware
As governor, Dr. Seuss is not my normal reading material. But recently -- to honor Read Across America Day – I spent part of one morning reading “Hop on Pop” to students at Eisenberg Elementary School in New Castle. The...
March 13, 2017
Delaware News
Delaware Public Media
Delaware's new Dept. of Education under Susan Bunting
Throughout his campaign last year - and here at the start of his term in office - Gov. John Carney emphasized the state’s Department of Education would look much different under his watch. He's promised a shift from its regulatory role to a support role...