

March 10, 2017

March 13th, 2017


Delaware News The News Journal Christina Montessori program threatened by low enrollment A specialized program offered by Christina School District but used by families across New Castle County stands to be the first "public Montessori school failure" if administrators can't find a way to raise enrollment. It's a heavy blow to both parents and...

Legislative Hall Pass: Compulsory Education Bills Aim to Curb Dropouts

March 13th, 2017

Author: Neil Kirschling

  Discouraging drop-outs is a hot topic in Delaware this year, and one way that policymakers are seeking to accomplish this is by amending the state’s compulsory education law—the law that defines the age range in which a student is required to attend school or some other equivalent education program. Currently in Delaware, children...

March 9, 2017

March 9th, 2017


Delaware News Newsworks Task force: To bridge achievement gap, Delaware needs more after-school programs Delaware is sorely deficient in affordable after-school and summer learning programs, a problem that disproportionally affects the scholastic performance of children from low-income families. That's the conclusion of a group of mostly...

March 2017 Teacher Newsletter

March 8th, 2017


  Teacher Voice & Opportunities to Support Students View this email in your browser Teacher Voice & Opportunities to Support Students The Rodel Teacher Council Wants To Hear From You The Rodel Teacher Council is studying social...