The Importance of Employability Skills
Blog post by Jermaine Williams, cooperative employment coordinator at St. Georges Technical High School and Rodel Teacher Council member
As the cooperative employment coordinator at St. Georges Technical High School, my job, in conjunction with our career and technical instructors, is to usher our senior students out into the working world as...
February 15, 2017
Delaware News
Cape Gazette
Cape students shine at state DECA competition
Cape students garnered many trophies Feb. 1 at the state competition for DECA, the international association of marketing students. Cape delegates included Nikita Patel, Anna Ives-Michener, MaHadaye LeCounte, Zachary Macfarland, Samantha Frederick, Anna Chojnowski, Saorla...
February 14, 2017
Delaware News
Delaware 105.9
Representative Charles Potter plans to introduce a school prayer bill in Dover
"Before the end of session it's going to take place," said Representative Charles Potter promising to introduce legislation to bring prayer back to state schools. Prayer was removed from schools in the early-60's, but Potter believes...
February 13, 2017
Delaware News
Delaware State News
Seeking a voice for students on Delaware school boards
Letter to the Editor
A representative democracy is based upon the idea that the people who are subjected to a government can be fairly represented in it by running for and holding an elected office. While this principle has been properly implemented at the...