Career Pathways in a Rapidly Changing World

July 27th, 2023

Category: Postsecondary Success

Part 1: A Trip Down Under and a Conversation with Andreas

On April 7 of this year I took off on an amazing adventure. As this blog explains, for the last three months, I have been on loan with the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) in France. I worked with a wonderful team there in Paris, and while there, I took week-long study visits to Australia, New Zealand, and Scotland to talk to young people, practitioners and employers about the transition from high school (or senior secondary overseas)  to whatever young people decide to do next.

In the wake of COVID-19 and the growing uncertainty of climate change and artificial intelligence, this is an incredibly interesting time to be looking at these transitions. I learned quite a bit, and over the next few months, I’ll be sharing a series of blogs and podcasts.

For now, here are:

  • Highlights from Disrupting Futures 2023, an international conference hosted earlier this spring by the OECD. Along with Bob Schwartz of Harvard, a senior advisor on this project, I got a chance to share more about this exciting project. The broader link provides dozens of presentations from around the world on career readiness; it’s worth a scan.

  • Leveraging Tech to help in career navigation. Helping young people make good decisions about their courses and postsecondary plans is important, but the ratios between students and guidance counselors are often impossible. Around the world, schools are now leveraging tech in exciting ways to address this issue. Check out the new Career Readiness Observatory on the use of Digital technologies in Career guidance for Youth (ODiCY).


I look forward to sharing more over the coming months and please reach out if you want to catch up.

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Paul Herdman



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