September 10, 2012

September 10th, 2012

Category: News, Policy and Practice

Local News

 The News Journal
One-stop database puts students in single file
Delaware public school teachers have a new tool to track student progress. The state Department of Education launched a program last week that will aid teachers by putting pieces of student records into one place. Insight Dashboard organizes a child’s test scores with other information, such as discipline records and attendance.

Educators in spotlight
15 are in the running for new Rodel award to be presented in October.

Delaware eyes comprehensive school safety plans
Gov. Jack Markell is signing legislation aimed at making Delaware’s schools safer. A bill to be signed into law on Monday creates a statewide framework for comprehensive school safety plans known as the Omnibus School Safety Act.

Sussex Countian
PACTT receives national award
The Sussex Technical School District Board of Education’s program PACTT (Parents and Children Together at Tech) has been selected to receive the Magna Award.

Governor Jack Markell Weekly Address: September 7, 2012
Governor Jack Markell (D) and Secretary of Education Mark Murphy welcome Delaware students, teachers, staff and administrators back to school. With the 2012-2013 school getting underway, Markell and Murphy update the progress of education reform efforts in Delaware, including those developed through the First State’s Race to the Top initiatives. Markell also notes that the state will get an indication of how effective efforts have been later this school year.

Coastal Point
Sussex Prep Academy preps for building campaign
Sussex Preparatory School is preparing to build Sussex County’s first charter high school, with a little help from neighbors. The State of Delaware will finance the 450-student charter school, like any other public school. However, the academy must raise funds for the initial construction, which will cost around $10 million.

National News

Education Week
Chicago teachers strike as reform tensions boil over
Chicago teachers are scheduled to take to the picket lines today, following the failure of marathon negotiations this weekend with the school district over issues of pay, job security, and evaluations.

The Advocate
Report: Evaluate teachers on test scores
Linking public school teacher job evaluations to student achievement, which Louisiana is starting this year, is a solid indicator of how effective teachers will be in the future, according to a report issued Wednesday. The study was done by Marcus Winters, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, which is an education research group.

The Arizona Republic
Arizona moves to explain tough education standards
Two years after Arizona adopted tough new K-12 learning standards, state officials have finally launched an effort to explain to the public the dramatic changes being made in Arizona classrooms.

Related Topics:

Rodel Foundation of Delaware



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