June 18, 2013

June 18th, 2013

Category: Early Childhood Education, News, Policy and Practice, Postsecondary Success

Local News

The News Journal
National group lauds education innovations in Delaware
While legislators spar over controversial bills aimed at improving Delaware’s education system, the state is earning notice for programs it is quietly implementing in classrooms. The Education Commission of the States awarded Delaware its Frank Newman Award for State Innovation, which recognizes creative changes that improve student learning. “Delaware is a great example for the rest of the country to see how innovative approaches can improve education, even in today’s political climate,” ECS President Jeremy Anderson said in a news release.

Website offers guide for early childhood learning
The site connects visitors to a search¬able database of Delaware Stars early learning programs, listing those near where families live, work or attend school, and provides information about what to look for.

National News

The New York Times
New York City graduation rate remains steady
The graduation rate for students in New York City public high schools held relatively steady last year despite more rigorous requirements, according to city and state statistics released Monday. The class of 2012 was the first group of students who entered high school without the option to graduate with what the state calls a local diploma. Instead, they were required to earn a Regents diploma by passing five required state exams with a score of at least 65.

The faulty logic of the ‘Math Wars’
An opinion by Alice Clarey and W. Stephen Wilson
There is great progressive tradition in American thought that urges us not to look for the aims of education beyond education itself. Teaching and learning should not be conceived as merely instrumental affairs; the goal of education is rather to awaken individuals’ capacities for independent thought. Or, in the words of the great progressivist John Dewey, the goal of education “is to enable individuals to continue their education.”

Washington Associated Press
Too many teachers, too little quality
The nation’s teacher-training programs do not adequately prepare would-be educators for the classroom, even as they produce almost triple the number of graduates needed, according to a survey of more than 1,000 programs released Tuesday. The National Council on Teacher Quality review is a scathing assessment of colleges’ education programs and their admission standards, training and value. The report, which drew immediate criticism, was designed to be provocative and urges leaders at teacher-training programs to rethink what skills would-be educators need to be taught to thrive in the classrooms of today and tomorrow.

The Daily Caller
North Carolina’s state education boss wants to exempt teachers from income tax
North Carolina legislators probably won’t act on a proposal by the elected supervisor of the state’s public school system to exempt teachers from the burden of personal income taxes. June Atkinson, North Carolina’s superintendent of public instruction, recommended the unusual tax policy on Monday, reports The Charlotte Observer. Let’s position North Carolina to be a more attractive state for new teachers. Exempt them from paying personal state income taxes,” Atkinson wrote in a statement.

Education Week
Common Core: Setting the record straight
An opinion by Richard Laine and Chris Minnich
This country was not built by people with low expectations. It was built by great leaders in communities and states who stepped up, sometimes individually and sometimes together, to achieve great things. It was built by responding to the challenges at hand and creating solutions for future generations. Today’s most crucial challenge is enhancing the quality of our public education system and addressing how well—or not—schools are preparing our young people for their futures.

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Rodel Foundation of Delaware




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