June 20, 2013

June 20th, 2013

Category: News, Policy and Practice, Student-Centered Learning

Local News

Prestige Academy grads head to state’s top high schools
Eighth graders walk down the aisle to get their diplomas for the second time in Prestige Academy’s history–with many students moving on to some of the best high schools in the state. A growing Prestige Academy in Wilmington sees its second graduating class. This year’s eighth graders outperformed state averages on math and reading. Founder and Executive Director Dr. Jack Perry says some had to overcome major obstacles to get there.

National News

Education Week
Online providers find a market in dropout recovery
While accountability demands and economic pressures sparked educators’ drive to bring dropouts back to school, those efforts are largely being powered by online and hybrid credit-recovery programs. But the advent of such innovations also gives some industry experts and educators cause for concern.

Arne Duncan allows waiver states extra time on teacher evaluation
The Department of Education announced that some states with No Child Left Behind waivers will be able to postpone using student growth on state tests as a factor in teacher evaluation decisions for up to one additional year, until the 2016-17 school year. States would have to make their case to Secretary Arne Duncan for the new flexibility, and the department will approve the plans on a case-by-case basis.

Las Vegas Review-Journal
Nevada selected for early childhood education grant
Nevada is one of six states awarded a National Governors Association grant and technical assistance to improve early childhood education. The state will receive $25,000 and work with NGA and the other states—Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania—to improve the effectiveness of teachers and polices affecting the education of children from birth through 3rd grade.

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