September 25, 2012

September 25th, 2012

Category: Early Childhood Education, News

Local News

The News Journal
Participation up, scores down
The number of Delaware graduating seniors taking college admissions tests has increased dramatically, but the average score has gone down. The statewide average score for the class of 2012 was 456 in reading, 462 in math and 444 in writing. The national average was 496 in reading, 514 in math and 488 in writing. The average score drop in Delaware comes after the state began a program that helps all public school students take the SAT at least once.

Time to closely examine what SAT results mean
An editorial
It’s time to look deeper, not just at the mechanics of how these students take exams. Consideration of how the gender differences might affect these results is warranted, and should include follow-up steps that might require replicating study habits, teaching styles and, where applicable, the cultural circumstances that contribute to this advantage.

$20M for Del. Military Academy approved by CDF
State economic development officials have approved a $20 million tax-exempt bond for the Delaware Military Academy. The volunteer Council on Development Finance voted in favor of the bond issue at their monthly meeting Monday.

National News

Manchester Union Leader
Charter school funding dries up  
New Hampshire education officials will approve no more charter schools for the indefinite future after the state board of education adopted a moratorium that affects schools even in the pipeline. A state official said eight new charter schools were approved over the last two years, and that’s led the education department to exceed charter school spending by $5 million.

Newark Star-Ledger
N.J. education system must focus on youngest students, Commissioner Cerf says  
The New Jersey education department will focus its efforts on some of the youngest students as a way to improve performance across grade levels, Commissioner Christopher Cerf said. He also unveiled plans for an early literacy initiative, which will develop a plan to ensure all students are reading at grade level by the end of 3rd grade and pilot kindergarten readiness assessments in seven districts.

Hechinger Report
Education Nation summit  
Hechinger has teamed up with NBC to highlight 10 examples of schools and communities that have come up with focused and innovative solutions and have achieved demonstrable success as a result. The stories are part of NBC’s annual Education Nation Summit. The three-day event brings together more than 300 of the country’s thought leaders in education, government, business, philanthropy, and media.

Education Week
SAT scores show slight decline
The College Board released scores today for the class of 2012 and reported that 43 percent of test-takers achieved the SAT College & Career Readiness Benchmark — the same percentage as last year. This means that 57 percent of students were below 1550, which the organization determined last year gave students a 65 percent chance of receiving a B minus average or higher as a freshman at a four-year college. The results of the ACT released last month were similar. Sixty percent of test-takers failed to meet the ACT College Readiness Benchmark in two of the four subject areas.

Related Topics:

Rodel Foundation of Delaware



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