Delaware Fifth State to Ban Trans Fats in Schools

June 17th, 2011

Category: News

Last week the Delaware General Assembly passed House Bill 3, which prohibits public schools from making available or serving food with more than 0.5 gram of artificial trans fatty acids to students. This legislation applies to all food and beverages sold on school grounds during regular school hours (it does not apply to food and drink sold at events open to the wider community, such as athletic games).

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, Delaware became the 5th state to impose a statewide ban on trans fats in school cafeterias; however, at least 24 states and many municipalities across the country have proposed similar legislation. The legislation failed in two prior attempts (General Assembly sessions 145 and 144). In support of the bill, the sponsors of the current bill referenced the Governor’s agenda for health and fitness, current health statistics, and facts regarding the threat of trans fatty acids. And Nemours, You’re the Cure: Delaware (American Heart Association), and the State Council for Persons with Disabilities provided support. The third time around must have been the charm, as public school cafeterias in Delaware just got a whole lot more healthy.

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Christy Vanderwende