Delaware Hosts Workshop on Educator Evaluation Systems

June 27th, 2014

Category: News

Earlier this week the State Board of Education hosted a professional development workshop on educator evaluation systems, with a focus on different rubrics used to observe teachers. Attendees included local board members, charter board members, and other stakeholders. Panelists included:

  • Charlotte Danielson, architect of The Framework for Teaching, one of the most widely used teacher observation instruments across the country, including in most Delaware schools.
  • Amy Hammerle from TNTP, who showcased the Core Teaching Rubric, which TNTP uses to observe and evaluate novice teachers for purposes of licensure and certification.
  • Lamont Browne, principal of East Side Charter School, and Sarah Coon Rosskamm of Hendy Avenue Consulting, who shared an update on the work of four charter schools that have come together to collaborate on an alternate evaluation system approved by the Delaware Department of Education.

The workshop was helpful in providing an overview of these three tools and systems and was positioned as just the beginning of a discussion with potential future webinars and other meetings to continue the conversation over the summer and fall. All materials shared are available on the state board’s website; for the presentations shared by each of the panelists be sure to review the “Workshop Presentation” document.

Mamie Doyle Mannella