October 3, 2012

October 3rd, 2012

Category: News, Policy and Practice

Local News

Teachers give good grade to one Race to the Top initiative
Working in collaborative groups is working for Delaware teachers, according to survey results released by the Delaware Department of Education Monday. The groups, called professional learning communities (PLCs), were established in schools throughout the state as a part of Race to the Top plans.

Coastal Point
IR school board reviews new teacher evaluation process
Teachers nationwide have expressed concerns, and now Indian River School District is stepping into the muddy water of teacher evaluations based on student growth. This year, Delaware is implementing the fifth and final part of the Delaware Performance Appraisal System, called Component V.

WHYY NewsWorks
Delaware tackles bullying on the web
Just in time for the new school year and October which is also known as national bullying prevention month, a unique resource designed to help students, parents and educators better deal with various bullying scenarios has hit the world wide web.

National News

New York Times
Fostering tech talent in schools
Microsoft is taking an unusual approach to tackling a shortage of computer science graduates — one of the most serious issues facing the technology industry, and a broader challenge for the nation’s economy.

Education Week
‘Race to Literacy’ plan proposed
U.S. students’ literacy skills are not up to snuff to meet the growing demands of jobs in the 21st-century workforce, and a new federal grant competition may be necessary to give incentives to states to do something about it, said panelists at a Brookings Institution event.


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Rodel Foundation of Delaware
