Federal Candidates on Education

October 15th, 2010

Category: News

Delaware has been the media’s darling for the last few weeks as our U. S. Senate campaign garners national attention.  What better opportunity is there to make sure our candidates are address critical issues in public education?

While few candidates for federal office have highly detailed plans available for what they would like to see happen in education, you can learn more about what they have said to date on their websites.  In the U. S. Senate race, here are links to Chris Coons’ education page and to Christine O’Donnell’s issues page.  In the U. S. House race, here are links to John Carney’s education page and Glen Urquhart’s issues page.  You can also see them answer questions about education in a number of videos on each site.  We encourage you to dig into all of these and, of course, ask questions if you don’t see the information you are looking for.

There are still a few weeks until the election, so get out there and see where they stand on education issues.  Here are a few questions to help you get started.

Michael Rasmussen
