INSPIRE transferred, SEED funding increased
The Joint Finance Committee voted to increase funding to the SEED scholarship program yesterday. The panel reviewed the Department of Education’s budget proposal and decided to designate an additional $1.3 million to the SEED scholarship program due to increased applications and eligibility status. The SEED scholarship is given to Delaware high school seniors, with a 2.5 GPA or higher, who wish to attend Del-Tech’s or University of Delaware’s associate or undergraduate degree programs. It is administered by the DE Higher Education Office.
Discussion then turned to the INSPIRE scholarship program, which is administered by Del-State University, to Delaware high school seniors with a 2.75 GPA or higher. It was then proposed and approved to move the INSPIRE scholarship program to the DE Higher Education Office to be administered the same as SEED. This would allow both scholarships to be eligible for increased appropriations simultaneously.
Related Topics: Delaware General Assembly, Higher Education